We offer private tours of the North Garden Theater for potential renters who have a date or date range chosen for their event or performance within 16 months. Please also check the list below to see if your event idea is a right match for our venue.
If the date of your event is outside of 16 months, we encourage you to see an upcoming public performance at the North Garden Theater. Please check our CALENDAR page for more information.
Are we the right fit for your event? The North Garden Theater...
Is located in St. Paul, Minnesota
Maintains an active calendar of booked events. Please make sure your date is available.
Has a guest limit of 150.
Provides in-house bar service and does not allow you to bring in your own alcohol.
Offers tours for events with dates within 16 months.
Offers contracts for events within 14 months.
Provides tables and chars to seat up to150 guests. Additional tables, chairs, and furnishings may be rented.
Features an open catering policy and allows you to work with the licensed and insured caterer of your choice.
Typically does NOT host events with larger/louder bands. Smaller musical ensembles are fine.
Works only with DJs from reputable, local, professional and approved DJ services.
Does NOT work with event planners. YOU may work with an event planner, we just want to communicate directly with you our client, not through a planner.
NOW... before you contact us, take a moment to hover over the BOOK THE NGT tab above and read up on the different types of ways you can book the NGT... each page has its own contact form to use.
Weddings and Receptions
Stage Performances
Parties Fundraisers and Other Events
Corporate Events.
FINALLY... Browse through our ever growing Frequently Asked Questions Page to see if the answers you seek are there.
Please read the information above to ensure that the North Garden Theater is a proper fit for your event. We also encourage you to have a phone or e-mail conversation with us prior to asking for an appointment or tour. Thanks!